Doctors and Hospitals
You're looking for a doctor and you don't know where to go? Or on weekends no doctor is open, but you have pain, what to do? Of course, everyone in Germany needs a family doctor, how to find him and how to handle the costs, you can find out in the factsheets, also you get more information about hospital.
FAQ Doctors
Do I need a general doctor (GP) / family doctor?
Yes, the GP should be the first point of contact for all medical matters. That´s why you should look for a GP first. He has a pilot function for your entire treatment. This avoids unnecessary and duplicate examinations and ensures optimal treatment by all involved practitioners.
It is recommended to search for a GP near your home. If the nearest doctor has his office in another federal state you can choose him/her, as well.
How can I find a doctor?
You have a free choice of accredited doctors. For your search you can use the following link
If you plan to get in touch with a doctor that cannot be found under this link, please contact your Merck BKK in advance.
Online-Option via Dein Arzt Digital
If you prefer an online appointment, you can use the app or web application “Dein Arzt Digital”. This option is free of charge and easy to use. Just download the app or register at
electronic sick notes (e-AU) can be issued via the online service.
Free prescriptions are not possible via Dein Arzt Digital but Merck BKK will be happy to check the reimburse fpr your prescription medicines at the contract rates.
May a doctor reject me?
Doctors only have a limited number of appointments. If a loss of quality is expected by admitting more patients, new patients may be rejected.
What to do if I can´t find a doctor with free time?
In general, the above-mentioned link helps with the search. It may be necessary to call several doctors. Appointments cannot be influenced by the BKK.
What to do if I can´t find a specialist in urgent cases?
In urgent cases when a specialist is needed, the family doctor can issue a referral with an urgency code (not required for appointments with an ophthalmologist, gynaecologist or for an initial consultation with a psychotherapist). This code can be used to contact the appointment service on 116117 (Hessen). They can arrange appointments (no desired doctor) within one month (also psychotherapists). Psychotherapeutic acute treatments will be arranged within two weeks.
Since 11th of May 2019 appointments at general practitioners and paediatricians are available, too. For this no referral is needed.
What to do if I get sick outside opening hours, but do not have to go to the emergency room (e.g. cold, rash, nausea...)?
In this case, patients can contact the medical on-call center 116 117. There you will find addresses of doctors who are open, or you can contact the nearest medical on-call service (e.g. Darmstadt, located at Klinikum Darmstadt).
What do I need to see a doctor?
In general, only your personal health card (with photo) – if you are not carrying the card with you or it cannot be found in the practice system, the Merck BKK can fax a replacement certificate directly to the doctor.
A referral/prescription may be necessary for services such as (MRI, follow-up examinations by specialists, laboratory...). You will receive this referral from the doctor who commissioned the referral.
Do I have to pay the costs myself (in advance)?
No, generally not unless you choose additional treatment or examination options. The doctor must inform you in advance that the health insurance company will not cover the costs for a certain service, and which costs you will have to pay. As a rule, the patient must confirm his or her wish in writing in advance.
In case of questions, the doctor should always be contacted directly. Merck BKK can also be contacted if there are any uncertainties.
If I have decided for additional treatment or examination options, that come with costs, will Merck BKK reimburse this (partially)?
In general, no private costs will be reimbursed. Everything that is paid for by the health insurance will be charged directly to the health card. But it is worth asking. For some treatments or examinations there are grants in various programs from which you could benefit.
FAQ Hospitals
When do I go to hospital?
During your treatment, the doctor decides on the medical necessity of hospital treatment and then issues a referral. In emergencies (e.g. accident, heart attack...) the hospital/emergency department can be visited directly without admission.
Which hospital can I go to?
As a rule, your attending physician will recommend a suitable hospital. However, you generally have a free choice of hospital among all accredited hospitals. In case ambulance is needed, please call 112.
What do I need for hospital treatment?
The health card and, if necessary, a referral. In the case of planned longer-term hospital stays, it goes without saying, that you should also bring along your daily necessities.
Do I have to pay for the hospital treatment myself?
Only the co-payment of 10,00 € per day (max. 28 days per year) must be borne by the patient. For inpatient deliveries no co-payment is required.
Attention! If the chief physician's treatment, double room, single room, family room or other additional services are agreed in writing, this is a private contract between the patient and the hospital. These costs cannot be reimbursed by the BKK.
If necessary, such additional options can be covered by private insurance companies. Further information on this can be found e. g. from our partner, Albatros at Merck.